As 2013 roars up upon us, many Americans are starting to see inflation like we have never seen before. What is funny is how the Department of Commerce has changed the way they report data to make inflation seem like it's almost nonexistent. We do know that over the last year the rate of Americans filing for bankruptcy has declined slightly. Is this a trend or is it a fluke? It doesn't seem like the economy is getting better and we have now seen QE1, QE2, the twist and now QE3. Billions of dollars has been thrown into the economy and nothing is getting any better. Four years ago the average price of a gallon of gas was $1.85, now that same gallon of gas is close to four dollars. Recently, they reported that inflation was less than 2%. This doesn't make any sense if you go to the grocery store you will see that a gallon of milk is up about 25%, coffee is up 90%, orange juice is almost up 50%, Turkey is up 50% and beef is up 60%. I don't know about you but it seems to me that inflation is going to cause more Americans to file bankruptcy in the near future.
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A better title for this article should have been the incredible shrinking dollar but I'm more concerned with the long-term impact of the average American. It doesn't make any sense with the news that's being put out by the mainstream media. According to them, this must be the new normal. After further investigation it makes more sense to see how the numbers have changed. The government added in housing, which is currently deflationary, to the inflation numbers and that's how they are reporting that inflation is being kept in check. When American families know that their paycheck does not go as far, they will turn to credit to fill the void. At some point in time the credit will overwhelm the budget making the idea of kicking the can down the road no longer work. This is where the idea that many more Americans will have to file bankruptcy to eliminate this debt that they have accumulated to subsidize their income.
Americans need a reality check and should not feel bad about filing for bankruptcy to eliminate debt. For many, it is not an option but it's more about survival. The idea of becoming debt-free is something that will end up in history books covered with dust. Creditors with the help of the government, have put American citizens in bondage to the lending institutions of the world. The only hope for many of these Americans is to file for bankruptcy and cut the ties. When Corporations file bankruptcy, it's good business. When an individual has to file bankruptcy, it's dishonest to not pay your bills. That is a stigma that we all need to put behind us. A capitalistic society would not survive without having bankruptcy filing is a way out when things fall apart. People should not feel embarrassed about having to consult a bankruptcy lawyer about their financial situation. Most of the time they will leave the bankruptcy lawyer being encouraged that they are not alone during these tough times.
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