In today's very tough economic times, the process of filing bankruptcy may have crossed your mind. This is not a decision to be made lightly and should be considered only as a last resort because bankruptcy is going to have multiple long term negative effects on you, not the least of which is that it will be prominently shown on your credit report for the next 7 to 10 years.
So where do you go to get your bankruptcy questions answered? Obviously you are doing research on the Internet which is a great place to start. But there are many facets to bankruptcy that you need to understand before you can make an intelligent decision as to whether to pursue filing or not. With the recent sweeping changes in bankruptcy law, it is no longer something you can or should do on a whim or if you are simply tired of paying your bills every month.
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First of all, what bankruptcy alternatives to you have? You probably have more than you realize, many of which are listed at our web site. Have you considered debt consolidation? Not a debt consolidation LOAN because another loan is just about the last thing you need right now, but using a debt consolidation service. You may also have options for debt settlement which has allowed many consumers to avoid bankruptcy.
You need to realize that with the new bankruptcy laws, one of the things that will be done is to prepare a very detailed financial statement on where you are financially at this point in time. This will be presented to the federal bankruptcy judge, who will examine it and make a determination as to whether or not you will even be allowed to file. Yes that's right, you may not even be approved to file if this financial information is not presented in the right format or in the right light.
This aspect is where you should consider using a qualified bankruptcy lawyer to help you with this process. They can analyze your situation since they are very familiar with the laws and especially how those laws apply in your state. They can recommend options and alternatives, and if bankruptcy is indeed your best option, they know how to present your financial information in the right light so that it can be approved to file. You should not be concerned about the lawyer's fees, since the vast majority of people have found that using a lawyer saves them much more in time, money, and assets that more than offset those fees. Contrary to the way it worked in the past, bankruptcy is no longer a do-it-yourself process.
Have you analyzed your outstanding debt to determine what types of debt are there? If not, you should, because there are certain types of debt that cannot be discharged by any chapter of bankruptcy. So if your debt is composed of a large percentage of this type of debt, filing bankruptcy is not going to do you any good whatsoever.
At this point in time, you undoubtedly have a number of bankruptcy questions that need and deserve answers. You need to know what your options are and the best way to proceed because doing nothing is absolutely the worst possible action.
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