When you decide to declare bankruptcy, you will have to face trial in a bankruptcy court. Like other courts, you will have to present your case to a judge in the bankruptcy court. At the end, your request will be granted or denied, and you will be told how to proceed.
Attending your hearing can be a nerve wracking experience if you do not know what to expect. Being prepared for your trial is vital, and your bankruptcy lawyer will do his or her best to brief you on what to expect. Still, having a basic understanding of what to expect before you meet with your lawyer is helpful.
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One of the most important things to remember about courts, whether they are for bankruptcy, criminal cases, or civil disputes, is that appearance is very, very important. Many of the first impressions the judge will form about you will come from your appearance. As such, you need to be sure to groom properly before entering court. Additionally, you should dress professionally. In most cases, a suit is the best option for both men and women.
During the trial, your lawyer will do most of the talking for you. This is not to say, however, that you will stay completely silent during the trial. You may have to answer questions. Because it is illegal to lie, it is important to be completely open and honest when answering questions. Individuals should thoroughly discuss their cases with their lawyers to ensure that they are on the same page. As with any court case, preparedness is absolutely vital to the strength of your case.
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