After the stock market crash, Americans began to re-evaluate financial stability. Many households that were once deemed to be middle-class are experiencing financial troubles. Homes are being foreclosed, debt collectors are more aggressive, and there is an overall unease when it comes to trusting credit. The path to bankruptcy need not be a complicated one. Basically the lenient rules that once applied to those seeking mortgages and credit limit increases are now stricter and more closely scrutinized.
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However, filing for bankruptcy could have been the only option for some after serious medical ailments and heavy bills not covered by insurance. When you tally travel costs for special care, hospital bills, tests and screening costs, doctor visitations, and time off from work without pay, the money can slip out of your bank fairly fast. Medical distress ranks high for reasons people struggle with finances. You can seek assistance with Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 law because you can get a lot of the debt collectors off your back and possibly fight to keep your home. Since you are unemployed or are recently disabled you have considerable leverage.
Other big factors that lead people to filing bankruptcy include, but are not limited to, a change in the real estate market and unemployment. These two can act separately but are intertwined for many reasons. The housing market is a problem because people simply cannot afford to buy overpriced homes. The sellers are limited because if they sell for too little they will either break even or will still have to pay debt. This is especially true if they must sell the home in order to stay afloat after unemployment or having to relocate to find work. It's a push and pull that leaves everyone with a bitter taste in their mouths. Foreclosure lawyers can help those dealing with problems related to keeping their home or having to default. The banks would much rather be involved with loan modification help than short sales and foreclosed homes.
Unemployment cannot be avoided in a down market. When companies have no other option yet need to cut back, they turn to letting employees go. Unemployment could not come at a worse time, either, because people are competing for jobs that once would be considered undesirable. And, while many positions are still open, the more specialized fields require certain skill sets. Many of the unemployed would have to turn to schooling to learn a new trade and that in itself costs money. With help from bankruptcy lawyers you could also file for Chapter 7 law.
When bankruptcy is unavoidable, there are options to regain assets or keep your home. Everyone has a reason for how they got where they are today. It does not mean that we cannot reboot.
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