The level of difficulty you will have filing bankruptcy in Missouri or Illinois can range from a lot to zero, depending on which path you take to file. Filing bankruptcy by yourself is most certainly a harder road to take.
"But James, won't it be less of a hassle to do it myself than dealing with a St Louis bankruptcy attorney?"
No. In fact, it will be much more of a hassle. Missouri and Illinois bankruptcy can be a complicated process with many rules and regulations, which is why there are lawyers that dedicate their entire careers to specializing in it. You cannot just find some Chapter 7 forms or make up a Chapter 13 payment plan and call it a day.
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It is important to take your financial future seriously. If something goes wrong when you are attempting to file bankruptcy by yourself, it could prevent you from getting a discharge, which will leave you with a bankruptcy on your credit report but no relief from your debt. I wouldn't want to put me or my family at risk of drowning in our debt forever.
Even if you choose to file with a lawyer, if he or she isn't the right one, it can be hard. For instance, looking for the cheapest attorney in your area could lead you to Missouri or Illinois bankruptcy lawyer with little experience and equally little success. In fact, I would avoid shopping on price at all if you don't want your bankruptcy experience to be difficult. Focus on finding the best St Louis Missouri bankruptcy attorney, not the one who knows how to lure you in with the cheapest price.
If you've find a St Louis MO bankruptcy attorney who has successful experience, filing can be quite simple for you. Making the decision to file bankruptcy is actually the most difficult part of the entire process. It is important during your decision process that you look for free information from reputable attorneys in your area that can answer the tough questions you need answered and truly show you if bankruptcy is the answer to your debt for which you've been looking.
However, once it becomes clear that you need protection from foreclosure, credit card debt help, and to stop your creditors from harassing you and your family, the rest can not only be easy but also incredibly freeing. So, really, the answer to this question is: Filing bankruptcy can be as easy as you want it to be. Don't be scared to make a move against your debt.
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