If you are looking for information for filing bankruptcy, you have come to the right place. This article intends to explore the simple steps in filling bankruptcy.
There Is No Other Solution
The first step is to make sure that filing bankruptcy is the only option left. You have worked out all the other solutions but nothing is working. What it means is that you will have try to avoid filing bankruptcy as much as possible. For example, before you go ahead and file for bankruptcy, it is important that you avail the services of an expert credit counselor. With the addition of the new bankruptcy laws under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, it is now mandatory for the debtors to obtain some consumer credit counseling from an entity approved by the U.S. trustee. You have to do it within six months of filing bankruptcy. This will convince the court that you have tried all the other alternatives beforehand. This way, it will make it easier for you to defend your bankruptcy claim.
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Hiring A Bankruptcy Attorney
The next step is to hire a bankruptcy attorney. In fact, the bankruptcy laws are very complicated ones and it is not easy for a common man to understand the intricacies involved in the same. Therefore, it is important that you hire a bankruptcy attorney to handle your specific bankruptcy case. You must shop around for the best bankruptcy lawyers. Do your research thoroughly. You should also note that the bankruptcy laws are interpreted in various states in various ways. Therefore, make sure that the bankruptcy attorney you have chosen is specialized in the specific bankruptcy laws of your state.
Type Of Bankruptcy
The next step is to choose the right type of bankruptcy. There are various types of bankruptcy as defined in the different chapters of the bankruptcy code, including chapter 7, 11,12, 13 etc. Your bankruptcy attorney will help you in this regard. He or she will study the details of your case and then suggest you the best type of bankruptcy depending upon your specific case.
Review The Cost Of Filing Bankruptcy
There are various types of expenses associated with filing bankruptcy. The very fact that you are filing bankruptcy is a clear indication that you are into deep financial trouble. Even the filing fees have risen to a much higher amount in the past few years. Other than the filing fees, you have to pay Attorney fees and other expenses. Therefore, it is very important for you to assess the cost of filing bankruptcy beforehand.
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